I wonder how they will respond to their demotion to parity with the "other sheep" as mere "domestics" in God's house. And what about the appontment of a 47 yeard-old to the Governing Boday? In my neck of the woods, the word of any forty-something who began partaking would fuel the gossip mill for weeks! It will be interesting to see what these events do to the number of partakers next year and beyond.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
How will the present-day "anointed" react to their demotion?
by Room 215 ini wonder how they will respond to their demotion to parity with the "other sheep" as mere "domestics" in god's house.
and what about the appontment of a 47 yeard-old to the governing boday?
in my neck of the woods, the word of any forty-something who began partaking would fuel the gossip mill for weeks!
The Watchtower Attempts to Eliminate Discrepancies in Authority
by Emery ini began pondering about the reasons why this new light was made and have come to a few theories that may be plausible.
my conclusion is that the society is hell bent on eliminating the discrepancies to their authority.. .
the ancient lineage of the faithful and discreet slave - eliminated.
Room 215
Personally, I think their new imaginings are so cocked-up as to be unworthy of a temperate response, much less of the thoroughly impressive refutations and intellectual capital lavished on it by contributors such as Leolaia and others-----
With the "New Light" concerning the GB, How would JW's respond to this question?
by drewcoul ini wonder if the wt or jw's in general would consider paul to be a member of the "faithful and discreet slave.
he wrote a good deal of the christian greek scriptures.
surely he would be considered one who was "dispensing food at the proper time" would he not?.
Room 215
... what a convoluted mess, all of this
Movies You Watch Over & Over & Over
by 3acrewood inhave you noticed there are certain movies you just never get tired of watching?
what's does your list include?
here are some of mine (in no particular order as to favorites):.
Room 215
"On The Waterfront"
The Society debunked the rumored new light on the F&DS in 1973
by Leolaia inthis is the summary of the rumored new light from the 2012 annual meeting, as posted by cedars.. the faithful and discreet slave was not appointed at pentecost 33ce, meaning that there has not been a continuous line of members of the slave class on the earth down through the ages.
the slave class was only appointed for the first time by christ in 1919.the faithful and discreet slave is a small group of anointed brothers during jesus presence serving at watchtower headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food.
the individual members of the governing body are not the faithful and discreet slave.
Room 215
Why does all of this call to mind the struggles of the mastodons, saber-toothed tigers, or whatever, struggling to extricates themselves from the La Brea Tar Pits only to sink deeper into the morass?
Any other established religions take neutrality stand in 1914?
by irondork inthe bible students' non-participation in ww i is one of the key reasons why jesus selected the wts as the organization through whom god would save the world, according to myth.
were there other religious groups or organized groups of any kind reported on from that era that refused military service?.
Room 215
Dozy, great find! Thanks
Any suggestions for a 'quick' tour of Yellowstone National Park??
by AudeSapere in.
i know the park is huge and i won't have much time there, but in a couple of weeks i will have a day or a day and a half to explore this part of the country.. i will be busy at big sky resort for a few days and leaving from bozeman on tuesday.
that leaves all day monday and possibly part of sunday to explore.. does anyone have any suggestions for maximizing my free time in yellowstone?
Room 215
I enthusiastically second the recommendation to try out Bear Tooth Pass... awesome!
Awake Nov 2012 Posessions
by Listener infrom the current awake.
"in order to be admired, some people flaunt their designerwear or other fancy belongings.
in one asian land, for example,.
Room 215
Foir the BG, who enjoy the perks of wealth from the many gifts and handouts from the wealthy among their adoring, well-heeled brethren, the "appropriate" amount is zero!
Rumor Elders Will Receive Name Badges For Every Meeting.
by HelpMeBelieve ini keep hearing rumors elders are going to be getting permanent badge cards to wear to every meeting.
one excited brother told me, "it would be nice if new ones to the kingdom hall could see who their shepherds are.
there is a great surge in activity, new bible students will be able to locate the proper elder in charge of bible studies!
Room 215
... nightmarish.....
Room 215
In my view, the "Jehovah this" and "Jehovah that" overuse has the opposite of its intended effect: it cheapens and trivializes it.